Earth Building in New Zealand
In New Zealand the early settlers often have built in earth. There are historic examples in North and South Island, which have resisted earthquakes and storms and are still in good condition after over 150 years!

Following the international trend, earth building in New Zealand has undergone a revival in interest in the last three decades. Today there are about 800 modern buildings, which have earth walls mainly of rammed earth, adobe bricks or pressed soil cement bricks.
Earthbuilding Association New Zealand (EBANZ)
EBANZ is a network group with the purpose of promoting the use of earth as a building material in New Zealand. It acts as a source of education and information on earthbuilding techniques and is involved in determining a sustainable future for the industry.
Membership includes:
- Subscription to magazine "Earthbuilding" with 4 issues per year
- Website for links and many resources
- Regular email newsletter
- Annual conference and tour of innovative earth buildings